Home | DNA clues | Our line | The French/ Minisink Connection | French @ HARDYSTON twp. Sussex NJ | A short history | MOSES French | Who is Dick French? | Hunterdon County | LINKS: MANIFEST DESTINY: A Brief Family History | We are probably from the New Jersey line | from about 1766 | Upper Heyford? | Thoughts, Theories & Photos | Family Members List Page. | Dr. R.V. French 2nd Yr. Med School | Family Members Page | Contact Me at 9dickfrench37@gmail.com9 (remove the 9's) | Grandmother Martha Rice's family | Martha Rice page 2

Richard French's family

Contact Me at 9dickfrench37@gmail.com9 (remove the 9's)

Please feel free to contribute!
 I'm intrigued by the plethora of French refrences in the Scholey family; I've noted that there are at least 3 Scooleys listed on that 1774 tax list in Sussex Co. I wonder if they are the same families???

I've probably just scratched the surface with my research on the family tree. If you have more information about a branch of the family tree or photos you'd like to share, please contact me!

You can send me e-mail at: 9Dickfrench37@gmail.com9
 Please drop both 9's- they are appended to stop automated email harvesters
